Coaching with NLP

Human behavior, the way we make decision based on our senses, words we use, and beliefs system. The life experience is different for everyone, so there are no two the same “map of the world”. Programming- we react, using our ideas,- is unique too; it’s changing consistently based on influence of others.

Everything that happening in a person’s life, accompanied by psychological sensations, – get stored in his mind, and been assigned a specific code. When this event happening again in the future, the memory of past (positive or negative) immediately reminds about this: we feel it in our body. And then act in particular way.

But how many events we can consciously remember? 7-9 digits – this is the active number of things we can consciously repeat. The rest goes to unconscious mind.

If someone wants to change behavior, the way he reacts to life events, then the way to do it – access the unconscious mind.

This is when Life Coaching becomes a Transformational.

In Transformational Life Coaching (TLC) using NLP, Neuro-Linguistic programming, it’s possible to explore the root of the client’s problem, very often hidden in the past; to heal & integrate the parts of our unconscious mind keeping the highest intention.

The work can be done in all areas of life including relationships, career, self-development, health & fitness, and family.

Resources and outcome

The coaching process is including several steps, using different psychological techniques.

To support the client during this transformational stage in his life, we’re using inner and external resources that are available to him, past successes and achievements, transferable skills, positive testimonials and expressions of others about the person.

Knowing what you want is important. Sometimes , behind the life turmoil, we forget about the dreams we had at young years. This ‘inner child’, little girl or little boy, inside us, is feeling last, calling to free, self expression.


Very often we have conflicting beliefs, influenced by others people, culture, parents. They create the identity issues, sabotage the desire for change. Connecting with what is true for person in now, with his values; healing and releasing what not working anymore bring the process of transformation to a new level of clarity and wealth.


If you are serious about a desire to transform into healthy, happy and harmonious person, then please register below. The Introduction into NLP approach will be free with your first Coaching Session.

Irene’s Soul Coaching

3-month Coaching package
2hr/month including Intro to NLP Exploration Session.


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One 2-hour Coaching Session with NLP


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2-hr Coaching with NLP + Reiki Sessions

Releasing negative emotions, aligning chakras and integrating parts feels good after productive coaching session.


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